Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys Botany Surveys



From Illinois, lived in Wisconsin, South Dakota, and Montana. Currently lives in Nebraska, but works in WI, MI, MN, ND, SD, WY, MT. Has been at this professionally since 1989 and non-professionally since 1978. Is assisted by trusted field hand Amy Schmoller on western work.


Since 1989, we have been performing ecology, botany, and wildlife surveys for Federal and State agencies. The last 24 years as a private contractor, the preceding 13 years employed by federal and state agencies in a variety of botany, ecology, and wildlife‐related work.

Primary responsibilities have been rare species surveys, botany surveys, vegetation inventories, wildlife surveys, wetland delineations, natural area inventories, natural community classification, biological evaluations, biological assessments, common stand exams, and technical writing.

 *  250,537 acres and 2,242 miles surveyed since 1991.

 *  Five Merit Awards from the U. S. Forest Service.

Regions: Northern Great Lakes, Northern Great Plains and Northern Rocky Mountains.

Habitats: Dune forests, oak savanna, boreal forest, tallgrass prairie, mixed grass prairie, intermountain grasslands, Ponderosa pine forest, Lodgepole pine forest, Douglas fir forest, badlands.

States: Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana. Also spent time with the flora and fauna in Ecuador, Belize, Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Peru.

National Forests: Beaverhead‐Deerlodge, Chequamegon‐Nicolet, Chippewa, Custer, Gallatin, Huron‐Manistee, Lewis and Clark, Ottawa, Superior.

National Grasslands: Buffalo Gap, Cedar River, Grand River, Little Missouri, Sheyenne.

Details: ...are below. There are sample reports in all the main headings: Rare Species, Botany, Wildlife, and Wetlands. More information concerning our whereabouts may be found on the Travels page.  And there is yet more at our Blog and Facebook page.


BS Natural Environmental Systems, NIU - Dekalb

Additional coursework in Botany at UW - Madison

USACOE Wetland Delineations I

USFS classes in Botrychium, Asteraceae, Carex, aquatic macrophytes, and wildland firefighting.


Merit Award Chequamegon-Nicolet NF Rare Species Program 2000

Merit Award Chequamegon-Nicolet NF Botany Program 1997

Merit Award Chequamegon-Nicolet NF Rare Species Program 1996

Merit Award Custer NF Range Program 1995

Merit Award Nebraska NF Rare Species Program 1993


Status Surveys and Reports

This list contains 25 surveys with extensive descriptions and analysis.

Status Survey Astragalus barrii 1994 - Buffalo Gap NG

Status Survey Eriogonum visheri 1994 - Buffalo Gap NG

Element Stewardship Abstract, Eriogonum visheri 2000 - TNC

Status Survey Chenopodium subglabrum 2002 - GRNG

Status Survey Rare Plants Bullion Butte 2003 - GRNG

Rare Plant Fact Sheets for 25 species 2003 - MNNHP

EO Ranking for 21 rare plant species 2003 - WIDNR

Status Survey Eriogonum visheri 2004 - LMNG

Status Survey Eriogonum visheri 2006 - LMNG

Status Survey Platanthera praeclara Survey, 3627 ac, 560 plants, NDNHP, Sheyenne NG, 2006

Status Survey Platanthera praeclara Survey, 4470 ac, 1433 plants, NDNHP, Sheyenne NG, 2007

Status Survey Chenopodium subglabrum 2007 - GRNG

Aquatic Macrophyte Survey and Assessment, Lac Vieux Desert 2007 - CNNF

Status Survey Platanthera praeclara Survey, 2995 ac, 1149 plants, NDNHP, Sheyenne NG 2008

Status Survey Talinum parviflora 2008 - CRNG

Status Survey for 11 rare plant species 2009 - Sheyenne NG

Status Survey Rare Plants L+C National Trail 2010

Status Survey, Platanthera praeclara Survey, 4200 ac, 853 plants, NDNHP, Sheyenne NG, 2018

Status Survey, Platanthera praeclara Survey, 5134 ac, 634 plants, NDNHP, Sheyenne NG, 2019

Status Survey, Platanthera praeclara Survey, 5106 ac, 124 plants, NDNHP, Sheyenne NG, 2020

Status Survey, Platanthera praeclara Survey, 5198 ac, 318 plants, NDNHP, Sheyenne NG, 2021

Status Survey, Platanthera praeclara Survey, 4827 acres, 1192 plants, NDNHP, Sheyenne, NG, 2022

Status Survey, Platanthera praeclara Survey, 4669 acres, 1516 plants, NDNHP, Sheyenne, NG, 2023

Status Survey, Platanthera praeclara Survey, 4987 acres, 3686 plants, NDNHP, Sheyenne, NG, 2024

Status Survey, Chenopodium subglabrum Survey, 12 sites, 553 plants, Little Missouri and Grand River National Grasslands, 2024

Biological Evaluations/Biological Assessments

This list contains quintessential evaluations and assessments with very extensive description and analysis, At least 89 were produced since 2008 and this list contains the majority.

Bicentennial Seismic, Eagle Nest Survey

BTA, DM #2 to DM #1 Flowline

Bicentennial Seismic, Eriogonum visheri Survey

Consolidated Telecom Fiber-optic Cable Route

Golden Valley County Road Improvement SC-FHC-1746(054)

NPC, Sand Creek Federal #1-21H

NPC, Sand Creek Federal #1-23H

NPC, Sand Creek Federal #1-27H

NPC, Sand Creek Federal #1-28H

NPC, Sand Creek Federal #1-29H Continental, Ole 1-29-H

St. Mary Land and Exploration, WRRMU South Field Project FE 3000340, Salt Water Gathering System

Braunberger Materials Pit, Billings Co, ND

MRWD, Phase II Waterline Improvements

MRWD, Phase II Waterline Improvements, Golden Eagle Survey, May 2010; Supplemental Report to MRWD November 2009

MRWD, Phase II Waterline Improvements, Supplemental Report 2 to MRWD November 2009

NPC, Beowulf Federal 148-97-30-31-1H

NPC, Pittsburgh Federal 153-96-3-2H

NPC, Helsingborg Federal 153-96-22-27-2H

NPC, Sand Creek Federal #153-96-16-2H

NPC, Sand Creek Federal #153-96-21-28-2H

NPC, Sand Creek Federal #153-96-23-14-2H

Kodiak, Skunk Creek 16-23-14-2H

Kodiak, CHARGING EAGLE 9-14-11H

Kodiak, Skunk Creek 2-8-17-15H and 4-8-17-14H

Kodiak, Skunk Creek 9-2-3-5H and 16-2-3-13H

Williston Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvement Project

MRWD, Regional Transmission Main and Facilities Project

MRWD, Phase II Waterline Improvements, ADDENDUM – 5/9/11

MRWD, Phase II Waterline Improvements, Supplemental Report 2, ADDENDUM – 5/9/11

MRWD, Phase II Waterline Improvements, Supplemental Report 3, Raptor Survey

Oneok Rockies Midstream LLC, Stateline Plant to Rawson Pipeline Corridor

NPC, Berg Federal 149-97-30-31-1H

Oneok Rockies Midstream, LLC, Schneider 12-12TFH, Poly Gasline

NPC, Berg Federal 149-97-30-31-1H, Access Road, Supplemental Raptor Survey

MRWD, System IV Part I, Waterline Improvements

MRWD, System IV Part II Waterline Project - USFS Report

MRWD, System IV, Part II - FWS Report

NPC, Sand Creek State 153‐96‐16‐3H

WAWSP, Phase II Transmission Main - FWS Report

Williston Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvement Project, Revision

McLean Sheridan Brush and Blue Lake  Expansion Project - Waterline

Divide Lateral, Crude Petroleum Gathering Pipeline

NPC, Helsingborg Federal 153‐96‐27H

Three Affiliated Tribes, Shell Creek Segment, Hidatsa Housing Development, Mountrail Co, ND

Fort Berthold Rural Water System, Mandaree Raw Water Pipeline

MRWD, System IV Part II Waterline Project - ADDENDUM

MRWD, System IV Part III - FWS Report

MRWD, System IV Part III - USFS Report

NPC, Pittsburgh Federal 153‐96‐3‐2H  ADDENDUM

NPC, Sand Creek State 153‐96‐21‐28‐11H, ADDENDUM  Rare Species and Survey Review

NPC, Sand Creek Federal 153-96-30H

Three Affiliated Tribes, Shell Creek Segment, Van Hook Housing Development, Mountrail Co, ND

NPC, Sand Creek Federal 153-96-30—2H/3H/11h Lek Survey and partial BE Report

NPC, Pittsburgh Federal 153-96-3-4H

Poppy Federal 2658 12‐17H,

Carson Federal 2658 13‐17H, Richland Co, MT, Migratory Bird and Sharp‐tailed Grouse Survey - BLM

MRWD, System IV Part IIIA Waterline - FWS report

MRWD, System IV Part IIIA Waterline _ USFS report

MRWD, System I ‐ Tobacco Garden Expansion - FWS Report

MRWD, System I - Tobacco Garden Expansion - USFS Report

WAWSP, R&T Epping - FWS Report

WAWSP, R&T Part II Service Area - FWS Report

WAWSP, Wheelock to Epping Waterline - FWS Report

WAWSP , BDW Service Area - FWS Report

WAWSP, Blacktail Service Area - FWS Report

WAWSP, Stanley Service Area - FWS Report

NPC, Sand Creek Federal 153‐96‐23‐14‐4H, 11H, 12H, 13H, 5HLW, BE/BA

NPC, Prairie Moon Federal 153‐96‐9‐4‐1H, 2H, 12H, 13H, BE/BA

NPC, Prairie Moon Federal 153‐96‐9‐4‐10H, 11H, 14HLW, BE/BA

MRWD, System I - Tobacco Garden Expansion, System IV Part 3, Raptor Survey, 10.7 miles, 325 ac, BE/BA, 2018

MCRWD, System I, Part II - Spring Creek Service, 2.21 miles, BE/BA, 2019

MCRWD, System I, Part II - Johnson Service, 0.27 mile, BE/BA, 2019

MCRWD, System IV, Part IV - Sather Dam Area, 47.7 miles, Botanical Surveys, 2019 

Wetland Delineations

About 30 of these since 1995. A partial list:

Canyon Junction to Fishing Bridge, Yellowstone National Park, Wetland Delineations, November 2000

East Entrance to Sylvan Pass, Yellowstone National Park, Wetland Delineations, December 2000

Wetland Determination, David Beck #24-7H Site, Dunn Co, ND

Wetland Determination Edgewood Regional Stormwater and Sewer project,  City of Bismarck, Burleigh Co, ND

Borrow Pit, Project No. SNH‐2‐013(054)262, PCN 2018, Field Wetland Delineation Report / May 2016

Pingree Road Improvements, Project No. HEN‐2‐052(040)244, PCN 21040, Field Wetland Delineation Report / Feb 2016

Ypsilanti Road Improvements, Project No. HEN‐2‐281(041)060, PCN‐21160, Field Wetland Delineation Report / Mar 2016

42nd Street Road Improvements, Project No. SU‐6‐986(121)125, PCN 21590, Field Wetland Delineation Report / Jan 2017

DeMers Preventative Maintenance, Project No. NHU‐6‐297(008)000, PCN 20832, Office Wetland Delineation Report / Mar 2016

GAOA – Mt Valhalla Snow Park & Developed Rec Access Road Design (Picnic Point Campground), Chequamegon National Forest, 2021

GAOA – Mt Valhalla Snow Park & Developed Rec Access Road Design (Luna‐White Deer Campground), Chequamegon National Forest, 2021

GAOA - Bass Lake Campground Road Improvements, Nicolet National Forest, 2022

GAOA - Black Lake Campground Road Improvements, Chequamegon National Forest, 2022

GAOA - Franklin Lake Campground Bridge Replacement, Nicolet National Forest, 2022

GAOA - Laurel Lake Campground Road Improvements, Nicolet National Forest, 2022

GAOA - Dalrymple Bridge, West Torch Bridge, and Sailor Creek Bridge replacements, Chequamegon National Forest, 2023

Rare Plant, Wildlife, Range, and Community Surveys

While these 61 surveys generated reports, they were simple census and/or inventory for rare plants, natural communities, and lacked extensive description and analysis. Some of the larger surveys were conducted while employed with the USFS or WIDNR. They are in approximate chronological order.

Nebraska NF, Range Analysis, 72300 ac, 1991

Wisconsin DNR, Shoreline Rare Plant Surveys, 1992

Chequamegon-Nicolet NF, Rare Plant Surveys, 2000 ac, 1992

Nebraska NF, Rare Plant, Rare Wildlife Surveys, 1400 ac, 1993

Nebraska NF, Rare Plant, Rare Wildlife Surveys, 2000 ac, 1994

WIDNR, Aquatic Plant Inventories, 2500 ac, 1994

Custer NF, Rare Plant Surveys, 3000 ac, 1995

Chequamegon-Nicolet NF, Rare Plant Surveys, 3500 ac, 1996

Chequamegon-Nicolet NF, Rare Plant Surveys, 1500 ac, 1997

Chequamegon-Nicolet NF, Rare Plant Surveys, 1300 ac, 1998

Chequamegon-Nicolet NF, Rare Plant Surveys, 3000 ac, 1999

Chippewa NF, Rare Plant Survey, 1335 ac

Superior NF, Rare Plant Survey, 435 ac

Ottawa NF, Rare Plant Survey, 700 ac

Wisconsin DNR, Rare Plant Survey, Rib Mountain SP, 378 ac

RI Bong Airport, Rare Plant Survey, 20 ac

Lewis and Clark NF, Range Vegetation Monitoring, 33 plots

Chequamegon NF, Rare Plant Survey, 3988 ac

Chippewa NF, Rare Plant Survey, 1564 ac

STS Consultants, Eden Prairie Bog, Habitat Assessment

Chippewa NF, Rare Plant Survey, 1855 ac

Superior NF, Rare Plant Survey, 2050 ac

STS Consultants, Eden Prairie Bog, Habitat Assessment

Superior NF, Rare Plant Survey, 1020 ac

Ottawa NF, Rare Plant Survey, 243 ac

Lewis and Clark NF, Range Vegetation Monitoring, 52 plots

Chippewa NF, Rare Plant Survey, 1138 ac

Ottawa NF, Rare Plant Survey, 5462 ac

Chequamegon NF, Rare Plant Survey, 2310 ac

Superior NF, Rare Plant Survey, 3295 ac total

Chequamegon NF, Rare Plant Survey, 1349 ac

Lewis and Clark NF, Range Vegetation Monitoring, 24 plots

Superior NF, Rare Plant Survey, 2494 ac

Chequamegon NF, Rare Plant Survey, 1360 ac

Nicolet NF, Rare Plant Survey, 1032 ac

Lewis and Clark NF, Range Vegetation Monitoring, 29 plots

Superior NF, Rare Plant Survey, 849 ac

Chequamegon NF, Rare Plant Survey, 1312 ac

Nicolet NF, Rare Plant Survey, 2332 ac

Lewis and Clark NF, Range Vegetation Monitoring, 24 plots

Superior NF, Rare Plant Survey, 1083 ac

Gallatin NF, Rare Plant Survey, 32 miles of roadway

Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF, Rare Plant Survey, 2183 ac

Huron-Manistee NF, Rare Plant Survey, 345 ac

Superior NF, Rare Plant Survey, 651 ac

Lewis and Clark NF, Range Vegetation Monitoring, 24 plots

Wisconsin DNR, Rare Plant Survey, 2000 acres and 51 miles of river

Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF, are Plant Survey, 1157 ac

Huron-Manistee NF, Rare Plant Survey, 1669 ac

Lewis and Clark NF, Range Vegetation Monitoring Data Analysis, 53 plots

Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF, Rare Plant Survey, 1893 ac

Lewis and Clark NF, Range Vegetation Monitoring, 27 plots

Superior NF, Rare Plant Survey, 1910 ac

Huron-Manistee NF, Rare Plant Survey, 2095 ac

Huron-Manistee NF, Rare Plant Survey, 3340 ac

Huron-Manistee NF, Common Stand Exam, 1300 ac, 113 plots

Chequamegon-Nicolet NF, Rare Plant Survey, 3800 ac, 2018

Nicolet National Forest, Loneduck Project Rare Plant Survey, 3844 acres, 2022

Chequamegon National Forest, Kidrick Project Rare Plant Survey, 1909 acres, 2022

Little Missouri National Grassland, wildlife and botany monitoring for AE2S, 11,500 acres and 11 miles, 2023

Little Missouri National Grassland, wildlife and botany monitoring for AE2S, about 24,000 acres and 100 miles, 2024