For the past thirty-four years, we have been an environmental consulting firm specializing in biological surveys. These have been rare species surveys, botany surveys, wildlife surveys, and wetland surveys. These have been in the form of status survey, species census, target survey, vegetation inventory, vegetation monitoring, biological evaluation, biological assessment, natural areas inventory, natural community ranking, natural community classification, wetland delineation, and stand exam.
We have worked in the Northern Great Lakes, Northern Great Plains, and Northern Rocky Mountains in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana.
We have worked on nine national forests, five national grasslands, and two national parks: Beaverhead‐Deerlodge, Chequamegon‐Nicolet, Chippewa, Custer, Gallatin, Huron‐Manistee, Lewis and Clark, Ottawa, Superior, Buffalo Gap, Cedar River, Grand River, Little Missouri, Sheyenne, Yellowstone, and Badlands.
This has taken us into hundreds of habitat types or plant communities. We have worked in dune forests, oak savanna, pine barrens, tallgrass prairie, mixed-grass prairie, intermountain grasslands, floodplain forest, boreal forest, black spruce bog, ponderosa pine forest, lodgepole pine forest, douglas-fir forest, sagebrush-steppe, wooded draw, badlands, and many more. To date, we have surveyed 204,439 acres and 2,131 miles and accumulated five awards for outstanding service.
You can read our book, How the Earth Was Lost. It's a review of some of the ecological missteps of the past few hundred years. It discusses the principles of environmental mismanagement.
Available at Amazon.